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Mint Discs

Fire - UFO - Royal Firm

Fire - UFO - Royal Firm

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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Introducing the 5th stamp in the Christian Series stamps by TG Disc Golf, titled “In the Fire”, or just Fire for short. This stamp design comes from the legendary Justin Lago again, and was designed with a special feature in mind that only Mint Discs could bring to the table. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, were three Jews that refused to bow down to a golden idol erected by King Nebuchadnezzar. So the king tossed them bound into a furnace seven times hotter than normal, and Jesus protected them through the whole faith-testing experience.  In this stamp you see our three protagonists bound in the fire awaiting their savior, but when you shine a UV flashlight over the stamp, you will see that the savior was there the whole time!

Eternal Plastic:

  • Tactile boutique blends for superb grip
  • Designed to wear slowly with use
  • Added glide and neutral flight with wear
  • Also available in soft flexibility for putters

UFO (2 | 3 | 0 | 1):

The UFO is our 3rd putt & approach disc. It features a big bead and deeper feeling rim than our other two putters, the Bullet & Profit. You can think of the UFO as basically a hybrid of the Bullet & Profit. When thrown flat it has a fairly neutral initial flight, with a nice late forward fade. When put on hyzer or anhyzer, it will hold the lines and finish gently forward. 

Basically, if you want a slower Bullet or beat up Profit, the UFO is exactly that. We think this is our best overall putter to date in terms of throwing and putting. It should fit all putting styles, whether you spin or loft/push.

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